1. Breakfast Cereals

 If you’re hungry in the morning, eat breakfast… but choose something unprocessed and that has protein in it (like eggs and veggies). If you really must eat cereal for breakfast, find one that doesn’t include sugar or highly refined grains.  Most commercial breakfast cereals are high in sugar and refined carbs, which are highly fattening and not very healthy.                                               

  2.  Whole Wheat Bread

One of the main problems with most whole grain food, is that it isn't actually made from whole grains.  It is a marketing ploy.  Almost without exception, the grains have been pulverized into very fine flour that is just as easily digestible and spikes blood sugar just as fast as refined grains.  This can contribute to various health problems. 

3.  Fruit Juice

Fruit juice is often perceived as healthy... it comes from fruit, right? Well, not always. Sometimes “fruit juice” is actually just fruit flavored sugar water. There may not even be any actual fruit. Fruit juice is high in sugar but not in fiber so it is easy to consume massive amounts of sugar and not much else.

4.  Trail Mix
Trail mix is very energy dense and are an excellent snack for people who need energy. However, it is high in both carbs and fat which is a bad combination if weight loss is your goal. The real danger lies in the fact that most prepackaged trail mix is loaded with extra salty nuts, sugar-packed fruits like dried bananas and chocolate, transforming this once nutrient-dense snack into a decadent, heavy dessert.


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