Meet Rosalinda Parrish, the crowned winner of the Mava Sports Challenge. This strong and ambitious 58 year old woman accomplished her PR goal successfully. Her goal was to increase her personal record on deadlifts, squats, and bench presses, and to increase her overall muscle strength and tone.

“I did it! My PR of 115 lbs squat lifts today. The knee sleeves and calf sleeves helped so much.”

She kept in touch with us about her progress and we were able to watch her grow. Her excitement was contagious and so was her willpower.

“I am now benching at 75 during training. Before 45 bare bar. Shooting for 85 today. Squats I am lifting at 105 during training, before 65. I am going for 115 tomorrow, that’s 6lbs over my body weight! I am an intense boot camper and my next endeavor is a kickboxing HIIT type of workout.”

This goal smashing queen amazed us with her determination. She is a powerful woman who inspired us at every step of the way.

“PR of 120 on squat lifts × 12 is exciting for me weighing 109 lbs. Thanks tremendously to my Mava knee sleeves!”

We had the honor of asking Rosalinda a few of our questions. We were very curious about her journey to being fit, her ambitions, her workouts and we really wanted to know what inspired her and kept her going.



  • How was your life before you undertook this journey towards getting fit?

    In October of 2015 at 56 years old,  I had a reality check as I was in the worst shape of my life and tried a Bootcamp gym, and with the demons in my life like alcohol, and eating binges I actually gained more weight and became very discouraged. Just when I was ready to give up I met a lady from my church who was head of the Fitness Ministry called Be Fit.


    May is 65, has the energy of a 35 year old, teaches bootcamp, stretch resistant classes and committed to helping people get well and fit through diet, exercise, and health. I had to face some cold hard truths about myself and reveal why I was 20lbs overweight, no muscle tone, menopausal, depressed, and used food and alcohol as an escape.



  • What triggered this change in lifestyle? What did it take to make the change?

    This moment of pure honesty and realness was humbling but it was the moment I said I am done looking and feeling miserable.


    First I was ready to clean up my diet which meant giving up my fine wine and cheese lifestyle and went on a 30 day clean eating plan in Nov. 2015, that restricted sugar, bread, white rice, fatty foods, snacks. Learning to drink half my body weight in oz. was key. I was so determined that I started losing the fat rolls around my waistline and then the Bootcamps started becoming more effective in my endurance and muscle tone.


    Before on my own, I could not do one modified push up, or tricep dip, sit up or walk up stairs without losing my breath. I went to push the sleds and couldn’t budge it more than a few inches. I had your typical achy knees and joints, bad posture, weak core and back muscles that women my age had. Lack of energy and vitality made me look like I was exhausted all the time.


    Next step was to commit to exercising at least 3 times per week and I found Bootcamps to be the most effective and time manageable since I work a lot of different hours being in retail, work a second job as a housekeeper, and live 45 min. away from work and the gym. When I started to see the results I made sure that I did not miss my classes and made my meals ahead of time. I have come a long way since November of 2015 and I am so blessed to have people that helped and supported me along the way, as I knew I could not do this on my own.



  • Some skeptics say that a woman cannot train like a man – if not enough women have proved them wrong so far, you sure did. The industry also started to pick up, and focuses on designing gear specifically for women, in order to better aid them in their performance. From a woman’s perspective, what can you tell us about your training?

    My training now is still bootcamps but I have added more HIIT to the mix. I can pump out 25+ (guy) push-ups, plank and pull up, Burpee frog jumps more than some of my younger counterparts some being male. I am not bragging but only stating that it took hard work to get these results and harder still to build the stamina and muscle strength to get to this slow journey up the mountain.


    I research and ask advice all the time on ways to improve my form and protect myself from injury. I tell new people who ask me or observe me, that I have not always been this way, and they are inspired to get fit and healthy. I love the Mava gear I have that protect my wrists and knees from strain.


    I started lifting weights in January with a group trainer and now set PR goals in my deadlifts, squats, with the most challenging being pull ups. My Mava gear made a huge improvement on my grip with heavy lifting days which include barbell and dumbbell, lat pulldowns, back extensions etc. I train 5 days a week. 3 days alternating weight training, 4 to 5 days Boot camp and Kickboxing.



  • What about your diet?

    My diet now is a balance of protein, certain fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and carbs. Now that I am building muscle and training I do supplement with joint, protein powder, bcaa's. I make sure I prepare my meals to take with me so I will eat right and not be tempted to eat the wrong things and snack. Lots of H2O as well.



  • How does a day in your life look like?

    My days are very busy, and I thought now that my 2 boys are grown and on their own life would be less hectic. But I try to balance by not rushing in the morning by getting up early enough to do my devotionals first and foremost, coffee and breakfast, pack my car with my meals, water, workout gear, stretch, put a smile on my face and drive 45 min. to work.


    After work it’s the gym, either bootcamp, kickboxing, or weight training or both. A good stretch and roller afterwards helps. If there is someone that I am helping in class that is new, I will stay an extra session and help the trainees by sticking by them so their form is on check and they feel like they are not alone and they leave feeling encouraged and energized.



  • You train really hard. So how do you go about your rest days?

    Rest days are very important or I start feeling sore joints and fatigue from over training. I work out 5 days a week and 2 rest days in between depending on my work schedule and training times. I will usually take a walk, stretch, eat clean and healthy so my muscles recover properly, and avoid strains.



  • Your willpower is admirable! You’ve accomplished so much in a short and intense amount of time. Are there any side effects that came with this change (loose skin, stretch marks etc)?

    Side effects especially in aging skin associated with my weight loss are yes, loose skin in the abdominal and glute area. Though my muscles have gotten tighter, the skin elasticity slackened. I take good quality collagen protein powders and use good skin care products to minimize this, but aging gracefully, being healthy fit and drinking lots of water is the best remedy for me.



  • You’ve mentioned your two sons. Do they take your lead & lift heavy as well?

    My youngest son, Noah, is in the Air Force and he is 23 years old. He is a powerlifter and loves his squats and deadlifts; he sends me tips on technique and form.  He is my inspiration to be the best I can be and he is so proud to have a Mom who lifts!  It is so wonderful to talk about fitness, weight training, PRs with him and share that bond.  


    My oldest son, Solomon, is 25 is a hard working driver and car detailer. He is more of the creative and techy side, but is inspired to eat healthier and start a workout program. Both of my sons are my pride and joy and they are so happy to see me healthy and happier than I have ever been. I told Noah about the Mava gear such as the knee sleeves, calves protectors too.



  • How does it feel to be the winner of the MS Challenge?

    I am so thrilled and honored to win the MS Challenge! I know there are so many fit peeps out there and you chose me! I love representing Mava gear and love telling everyone about the quality and support my gloves and knee sleeves give me so I can workout more effectively. I just ordered a couple of tank tops so I can show off my Mava swag! Most of all I hope my story will encourage many women my age that they can all be winners in their journey too.



  • What was the most daring part about this challenge?

    The most daring part of this challenge is not limiting myself to doubt because of my age and just go for it and have fun doing it!



  • Tell us how you came across Mava Sports.

    I came across Mava Sports on Facebook. I was searching for good gloves that would support my small weak wrists and saw that it was perfect for women's hands in the videos I watched. They were nice looking too, not bulky and restrictive. As I began to research Mava more, I began to order more and signed up to get online emails for tips and nutrition info.



  • These last 3 months, you’ve developed a relationship with us and Brent, our VP of Marketing. How did it help you in your journey?

    I loved the articles and decided to reply to Brent and daringly send some pictures of this older woman - me, wearing Mava gear. I sent these to let Mava know how much I loved the gear not expecting any reply at all! When I received an email back from Brent I was so excited that he replied and was so encouraged that I felt he was like my own cyber personal trainer!


    I began to fall in love with Mava as a company too because you care so much about people like me who are interested in fitness gear, and reply to all questions regarding health and fitness. I have printed several of the articles because they helped me so much, I can use them for reference and share it with others.



  • What about the Mava Sports gear appeals to you the most? Could you choose your favorite MS item, or is that too much to ask, because you like them all so much? :)

    As you have read I love Mava workout gloves. I train with 3 kinds, the Victory being the newest to my collection, and I thank you so much for this gift! The ones with just the finger and wrist support is when I do more leg and bootcamp that doesn't require too much lifting but still needs palm and wrist protection like kettleballs, ball slams burpees, push-ups, planks, trx etc.


    I use the Victory and other fuller support Mava gloves for the heavier arm training days with barbells, dumbbells or sleds, ropes etc. My new knee sleeves - and thank you for this awesome prize too! - I use for heavy squats or leg work that requires jumping, lunges. I have the knee supports I love too, and I use them for kickboxing as well.



  • Which items from your MS collection would you recommend to gym-goers?

    Everyone should know that I haven't had one injury when I use my Mava gear! I recommend the gloves and knee protectors to everyone who lifts and works out actively.



  • So, the workout gloves are your favorite piece of equipment. Why is it such an important part of training? Do you ever see people neglect this aspect?

    I sure love my Mava gloves! I think with women that are just starting out they neglect to use the support gloves have until they start feeling the strains and injuries to the wrists. I also think they don't like the feeling of gloves and prefer bare hands especially if they are younger and have good grip strength.


    Women who ask me about my gloves are usually not knowledgeable about the benefits so educating them on their protection etc. I found is key. I did a lot of research on gloves before I chose Mava so I tell everyone about the comfort, stability, less bulk, and most of all how it improves their game!  Therefore preventing injury, strengthening grip and supporting the wrists.



  • You were the first to try our newest product – the Victory Gloves. How delighted are you with them so far? Would you recommend them to those who haven’t tried them yet?

    I am so honored to receive the newest glove. The Victory is comfortable, very supportive on wrists and helps your grip when weight training and on pull ups or pull downs. Plus they are beautiful on the hand and colors can coordinate with outfits, haha! I have recommended these to all the gals I work out with or meet, especially the ones that have injuries or strains.



  • You appreciate the true importance of quality gear. How important is this part of training for an athlete your age?

    Having the right gear is so important to me since it will protect the overall health and prevent injuries to joints, tendons and muscle strain.



  • Your journey is impressive. You are a beacon of inspiration not just for athletes, but for people worldwide. You challenge the mentalities of women and of those who feel limited by age. What can you tell us about your journey? Which were the challenges you’ve encountered? What was your most powerful motivation?

    My fitness journey has become a definite lifestyle change. I live and breath it because I can relate to many women and people who have had addictions, trauma, and have lost hope. I know that it is my duty and privilege to help others and lead by example. My journey is a challenge with some good days and some tough ones. But I have the faith, strength and confidence now to overcome those challenges and never lose hope.


    Because of my age, I never thought I could run a 5k in 30 minutes, do a kickboxing class, and now my biggest challenge is entering a bodybuilding competition. I know I have only been training since January, and learning to eat meals that require so much discipline. And learning how to pose is one of my challenges at my age, because of flexibility, gracefulness, and walking in heels! Let alone fitting in a skimpy bikini! But I am not in it for the win, I am in it to lead by example to those who set limitations on themselves and think it’s too late to become in the best shape of their lives.

    I love Ernestine Shepard’s example, the oldest body building competitor in the world. At 80 she has been the biggest inspiration, and also May Yee Jackson, my 65 year old mentor who has proved that age is just a number.



  • With great power comes great responsibility. You are very generous with those who seek your help and advice. No doubt you find a lot of joy into helping others. What made you want to inspire and motivate others?

    I am inspired to help others and give back what has been given to me. The gift of health spiritually, mentally, and physically. It is an honor to be able to help others and see them become healthier and stronger because I am hardwired now to see them become the best they can be. It can require my time, although I am so busy, but my priority is seeing to it that their commitment to better health and fitness can be encouraged and helped by me.


    What a beautiful relationship of friendship it has gifted me with too. The rewards of seeing them get stronger and more fit is so amazing to watch. They have a bounce in their step, brightness in their eyes, and muscles they never thought they could have!



  • What ambitions and goals do you have for the future? What is your motivation?

    Because of my mission in life that was given to me from above, I am studying to be a personal trainer, hoping to finish by fall. Compete in my first competition in figure this August, and if Lord is willing, work in the fitness industry as a new career, be it as a trainer, in sales representing a company I believe in (hint,hint), and also nutrition.


    I am also representing fitness at a fitness and wellness seminar at my church demonstrating bootcamp and some weight training, on June 24th where I will be wearing Mava gear and telling everyone the importance of protection and quality this gear has! The church has also asked me to tell my testimony and journey through with the help of Faith and hope to inspire those who feel lost and encourage them as well.



  • We are truly supportive of your healthy and excellent journey to reach your goals. And we are proud to know that you are an advocate of our gear in your own right.  Where do you see yourself a year from now?

    I am honored to be part of the Mava family!  In a year from now I hope to be working in the fitness industry, whether it be as a Certified Fitness Trainer, or promote health and fitness products or both.  I have a few gyms that are waiting for me to work for them as soon as I finish school. I would also love to promote nutrition and help people to get fit and healthy regardless of age restrictions and health issues related to aging.


    I am thinking of opening my own garage gym and teaching from home also. I am participating in a few public speaking events about my journey and fitness, and look forward to doing more of those, as I grow and learn.  If body building competitions are in the stars for me, why not? But my highest goal to reach as many people as I can to inspire and help them to be at the best they can ever be; fit, healthy, spiritually, physically, and mentally. Fabulously, and of course, Mava-lously!!



  • A lot of people feel like society imposed on them a sort of crippling age restriction. What would you like to say to those who don’t feel bold or young enough to change something in their lives?

    I have used the power of faith, love, and genuine caring for people as an influence to their getting started and breaking through barriers such as health issues and age. But words alone cannot do it, leading by example does work miracles.


    People have watched me overcome barriers myself and are inspired to do the same. I am chosen to help them when they come my way and when they are really ready to face their issues head on and make lifestyle changes, the transformation begins. I am just a messenger that has been given many second chances to be the best I can be.



  • Finally, what words of wisdom do you have for those who would like to follow in your footsteps?

    Be true and good to yourself and the truth will set you free to do and be the best you can be. Use this Power, perseverance and Faith to be ready for the course and journey intended for you. You only have one life, enjoy the journey, rest in it, and finish the race well. And stay sweet!



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