Portion control can be one of the most difficult aspects of maintaining a healthy diet. Our list of 10 low calorie snacks suit every palette, from sweet to savory.

Chocolate covered strawberries – Five strawberries dipped in melted dark chocolate

Honeyed Yogurt: ½ cup nonfat yogurt with a dash of cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of honey. 

Chocolate Milk: 6 ounces of skim milk mixed with 2 teaspoons chocolate syrup.

Protein Shake: One scoop of protein powder with 8 ounces of water.

Pistachios: A couple handfuls— about 25 nuts (Crackin’ them open will take more time and help you avoid from grabbing 25 more).

Caprese Salad: 1 ounce of fresh mozzarella with a ½ cup of cherry tomatoes and 2 teaspoons of balsamic vinegar.

Olives: If you like something to nibble on with your treat glass of wine, why not steer away from the chips and have some olives instead? At only 68 calories per 20 olives, they’re a much healthier option.

An Apple: It is a low fat snack and is rich in soluble fiber which helps protect against environmental pollutants and eliminates cholesterol. Go for one of the sweeter varieties and you can skip a less healthy sugary meal.                            

 Melons:  Melons are the ultimate low fat snack!  They are low in calories because they are made up of mostly water.  Eat a whole one if you like!          

 20 Chocolate Coated Raisins: They taste delicious and are a great morning snack.

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