After an entire holiday spent enjoying various and tasty recipe, it’s time to look ahead and begin our plan for a healthy and fit year. Best way of starting the season of getting in shape and lose the extra weight gained over winter holidays is to begin a cleanse/detox diet.

In the new article we present and inform you about the best 10 foods that can help you boost your heath and feel better after the amount of food ate during holidays. We recommend you also, to start making plans for an exercise program to get a equilibrate balance between healthy eating and workouts.


The cute and healthy vegetables should be included often in our meals. Broccoli is known for eliminating toxins of your liver and it’s often recommended for its nutritious proprieties. Your shopping list must always include this vegetable and the best way to consume it’s raw, but you can always find various way of cooking it.


Used often in beauty products and methods, cucumber contains mostly water and it is high in fiber. We need water for helping us to cleanse our body and the fibers help us to eliminate the toxins. It is, indeed a source of health and we can consume and prepare this vegetable in various ways.


We’ve been taught since we were kinds that we should eat more carrots, mostly raw. Now, we have the answer why…because their full of vitamin C, B6 and potassium, also vitamin A and K. They’re a truly source of vitamins and an energy booster!


In the fruits category, we should include grapefruit. The fruit is perfect for detox, being rich is nutrients and can be consumed as juice for boosting your energy and prepare you for a better day! Also, the grapefruit burn fat faster so, consuming grapefruit is a win!

Goji Berries

The little nutritive fruits contain Vitamin C and beta-carotene intake, improving liver’s performance and also eliminating waste from your body. You can consume them instead of raisins and they will ensure you a great amount of nutrients.


One of the most famous and nutritive foods, the avocado fruit contains antioxidants and fiber. Being high in fat, the fruit is included in the list of good fats and it is better consume without any other ingredients


This is another food that has been always a part of our lives. Apples are always recommended because they rich in nutrients and possess a fiber which removes additive from your body.

Others recommendations for you are: garlic, parsley, green tea, ginger, cabbage.

In the end, we wish you good luck in your new healthy and fit way of leaving. If you decided to eat better, you should trust these foods; they’re your greatest friends and allies. Have a happy return to the fit life or if you never stopped training, keep progress and achieve you goals!


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