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Articles — Health

Good Diet For Heavy Weightlifters

Good Diet For Heavy Weightlifters

Bodybuilding is eighty percent about your diet and twenty percent about the workout routine. That means you have to be selective about the food you eat in order to obtain your desired results. 

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Rules to follow for an Athlete Body

Rules to follow for an Athlete Body

Nutrition is actually more important than the time in the gym. If you want a toned athletic body you need a proper diet in order to get there, exercise alone is not enough. Follow these...

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Cottage Cheese is the new Greek Yogurt in 2018

Cottage Cheese is the new Greek Yogurt in 2018

    Goodbye Greek yogurt. Hello, cottage cheese. As the drive to fit more protein and fewer carbs in our diets continues, cottage cheese may very well supplant Greek yogurt as our smoothie-maker of choice....

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Take care of your ‘second heart’ with Mava Calf Sleeves

Take care of your ‘second heart’ with Mava Calf Sleeves

Did you know that your second heart is located on the backside of your lower leg? The calf muscles, also known as the Soleus, are dubbed as the second heart because they play a major...

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Don’t allow your Achilles tendon to become your weakness

Don’t allow your Achilles tendon to become your weakness

  Do you ever feel discomfort in the back of your heel? Many fitness enthusiasts and athletes who participate in sports that involve sudden shifts in speed and movement experience this type of discomfort. It...

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Step up your game with Mava Ankle Support

Step up your game with Mava Ankle Support

  Have you ever experienced ankle instability? If you are a runner, you most definitely have. However, you don't necessarily have to be a runner to experience it. It only takes a misstep to destabilize...

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